Elsa Noyons
“I was born in Amsterdam in 1988 and I grew up in Marseille. Graduated from HEAR in 2014, I am a visual artist and scenographer. I live and work in Marseille, Paris and elsewhere.
My research often begins with the thread of a question. Then the work takes place like an investigation or a collection, often linked to encounters and territories. I like to experience the question.
I compose with the elements of my close environment and observe their slow transformation. I like to invent exploration games on a given territory, to create situations by inviting other people to participate in them to confront or superimpose several ways of seeing.
The mediums that I use are multiple: performance, exploration, narrative mapping as well as sound works, models and textiles.
The themes of habitat, of the relationship we have with a territory, walking and flanering and the usefulness of the useless are recurrent in my work. “