Laurent Petit
Laurent Petit is an author, performer, engineer by training who has become a para-scientific researcher and urban psychoanalyst…
After a brief career as an engineer, Laurent Petit entered the marvelous world of show business, first as a juggler and then a supermarket clown. The meeting with Eric Heilmann and his work on the links between Mickey Mouse and Michelangelo allowed him to lay the foundations of a new genre, the para-scientific spectacle, a genre where the true and the false mix so well that the public ends up losing its Latin.
It was following the meeting with the collective of architects Exyzt that the first poetic science worthy of the name was born, which is therefore urban psychoanalysis. He founded the ANPU (national agency for urban psychoanalysis) which produces surveys and artistic forms on the psychic state of the territories.For several years now, he has been walking on the GR2013, confronting his poetic science with the complex landscapes of the peri-urban territory.