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A one-hour getaway or a 20-day trip

Impressive Etoile and Garlaban massif, the vast inland sea of ​​Berre: two unbuilt spaces around which cities, roads and rails wind. In the center, the Arbois plateau, wild and metropolitan.
Landscapes of Aix, Aubagne and Salon; town centers and housing estates; Marseille Piedmont; Gulf of Fos; Gardanne mining valley; Nerthe and La Fare chains…
So many worlds and countries make up the Provençal metropolis; so many landscapes and stories. The GR®2013 offers a great adventure over the 365 kilometers of this journey, in the footsteps of the artists-walkers who inspired this project. A path for everyone: for residents and tourists, for families and athletes, for artists and hikers…

The excursion around the Etang de Berre is the most interesting that one can do around Marseille.
_Paul Ruat, founder of the Société des Excursionnistes Marseille, 1899

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