Raphaël Caillens
Poet gardener
Raphaël Caillens constantly treads the truant paths outside the conventional boxes of a unique profession. A landscape architect by training, multidisciplinary at heart, calling himself “gardener-poet”, he rubbed shoulders with the performing and performance arts and always takes an artistic and critical look during his interventions. Each of his projects comes alive around a unique place, where one can take the time to settle down, to develop attempts to live together: what people feel in common in this place, how they can experimenting, developing it, commenting on it becomes a source of possibility. Thus is woven – between the taste for the human bond, respectful and generous, the sensitivity of the landscape whatever it is, the patience to work with all the living elements, the resistance to consuming and spectacular immediacy – a know-how together that lets beauty emerge. Evelyne Bachoc

© Benjamin Bechet