Mathias Ben Achour

Self-taught guide, from Marseille every day since the 1990s Mathias offers historic urban walks to all types of audiences. Recently graduated in History at the University of Aix-Marseille, the walks and shows offered are intended to highlight Marseille’s heritage and its history. Traditional walks, sound or theatrical walks, he multiplies the forms of expression to reach as many people as possible, but above all to never get bored.

Alice Durot

Trembling designer

Gatherer of stories, poet in the shower, astromage in the making. An amateur walker who looks either a little too much at the ground and the plants, or a little too much at the sky in search of the clouds, she is nicknamed Alfonce when she creates images. Trembling draftsman, occasional musician, or passionate aloud reader, she thinks of her real job as a constant reading of her environment, which she tries to decipher and hopes to patch up when necessary. After studying graphic design in Limousin and a course at the School of Fine Arts in Marseille, the forest and the Marseille patchwork mix in her imagination, which she decided to put at the service of the material where we put our feet up.


After training in life sciences, nature animation, and image technique, he is now a naturalist photographer and videographer who also evolves in the field of scientific popularization. Its activities oscillate between the observation and reproduction of natural phenomena in a framework of research and artistic creation, and the dissemination of this knowledge to the general public. Through images or “live” animations, exhibitions or hikes, he tries to encourage us to look at the world around us differently, to make us feel all its diversity, to arouse curiosity. Always with the desire to mix arts and science, nature and culture, knowledge and creation. And this through various personal or collective projects, such as the Bertrik project, an associative place of art and nature in the Alpes-Maritimes (

Raphaël Caillens

Poet gardener

Raphaël Caillens constantly treads the truant paths outside the conventional boxes of a unique profession. A landscape architect by training, multidisciplinary at heart, calling himself “gardener-poet”, he rubbed shoulders with the performing and performance arts and always takes an artistic and critical look during his interventions. Each of his projects comes alive around a unique place, where one can take the time to settle down, to develop attempts to live together: what people feel in common in this place, how they can experimenting, developing it, commenting on it becomes a source of possibility. Thus is woven – between the taste for the human bond, respectful and generous, the sensitivity of the landscape whatever it is, the patience to work with all the living elements, the resistance to consuming and spectacular immediacy – a know-how together that lets beauty emerge. Evelyne Bachoc


It’s been a custom in his family since the dawn of time: Sébastien Maufroid has never touched a steering wheel. Knighted by ants, weeds and lines of desire, this aristocrat of the sidewalks, whose etiquette is slow effort, walks like a novel. Artist-author and hiking guide (Middle Mountain Guide), he draws maps from precious narrative threads. And on the slopes of the mountains or the slag of the asphalt, we hear him whistle his motto: knowing how to walk is finding good stories.

Alexis Feix

Alexis Feix, landscape designer, gardener, musician, draws the project with a personal vision of botany and ecology. After graduating from the National School of Landscape in Versailles (ENSP), Alexis devoted himself to the construction of cartographic writing combining a reading of the transversal landscape and an artistic practice, particularly around the world of music. This is how an approach to drawing, conception and action is articulated. 

At the same time, teaching at the ENSP, he works on pedagogy as a subject for thinking about landscape through experience and thinking about the transformations of the profession of landscape architect, particularly in the relationship between landscape and politics.

Elsa Noyons

“I was born in Amsterdam in 1988 and I grew up in Marseille. Graduated from HEAR in 2014, I am a visual artist and scenographer. I live and work in Marseille, Paris and elsewhere.

My research often begins with the thread of a question. Then the work takes place like an investigation or a collection, often linked to encounters and territories. I like to experience the question.

I compose with the elements of my close environment and observe their slow transformation. I like to invent exploration games on a given territory, to create situations by inviting other people to participate in them to confront or superimpose several ways of seeing.

The mediums that I use are multiple: performance, exploration, narrative mapping as well as sound works, models and textiles.

The themes of habitat, of the relationship we have with a territory, walking and flanering and the usefulness of the useless are recurrent in my work. “

Julien Rodriguez

Artist and landscaper by training, Julien Rodriguez uses walking and sensitive cartography as a tool for understanding our environment, our society, as a vector of collective imaginations and histories.
He designs and manufactures contextual artistic interventions, draws maps, travel diaries, is also interested in sound and writing. Always taking inspiration from what the place says. By going to meet those who live there. By highlighting what is already there. By forging links. By multiplying the points of view.